Our Seeds Tomorrow (OST) believes that the greatest wealth given to children is education. Education is the key to enact change globally for today’s and tomorrow’s future seeds. The biggest issue with Liberian education is the qualified teachers teaching the primary schools. Libera only has 56 percent of its teachers who were trained to teach…
OST COVID-19 Food Relief Project
As we hope you and yours remain safe, strong, and healthy during this COVID-19 pandemic, there are certain parts of the world where the impacts of COVID-19 have devastating ramifications. The country of Liberia is experiencing a tremendous impact from this pandemic, and the basic needs for food and shelter for those impacted is of…
OST Water Conservation Project
Although health is a very important, there are a lot of curable health issues that can be eliminated with the removal purification of water resources. In fact, in 2003, “developing countries, as much as 80% of illnesses are linked to poor water and sanitation conditions” (United Nations, 2003). These diseases are more likely to affect…
Official Meeting with MedShare
Our Seeds Tomorrow preparations for Founder visit to Liberia is galvanizing humanitarian logistics to impact Lofa county and others parts of Liberia. My official meeting at MedShare with senior vice president was amazing.