Dazia Fumbah Coca Cola with Alex Cumming former Executive Vice president Coca Cola @ cooperate HEADQUARTERS
Official Meeting with MedShare
Our Seeds Tomorrow preparations for Founder visit to Liberia is galvanizing humanitarian logistics to impact Lofa county and others parts of Liberia. My official meeting at MedShare with senior vice president was amazing.
Pepsico Health Fair
Atlanta Braves Foundation Award
Andrew Young School of Policy Studies
What is Philanthrophy?
With Sincere Appreciation ToThe United Way, Non profit Leadership Alliance Of Georgia State University, Boy And Girls Club oF Atlanta, For Inviting Our Seeds Tomorrow To The Viewing Of The Award-winning Film “What Is Philanthropy ” ? The ensuing discussion was Very Enlightened, Engaging And Empowering.
Ebola CDC Rally
As of Sept. 6, there have been 4,293 cases have been recorded in five West African nations. As of September 10, 2014 the data reveal 2046 Ebola cases in Liberia with 1224 deaths, 1361 cases in Sierra Leone with 509 deaths, 862 cases in Guinea with 555 deaths, 62 cases in the Democratic Republic of…
OST present Korto Momolu at AIU
APRIL 13,2013 as part of Our Seeds Tomorrow launched programWE ARE POSSIBLE AT OUR SEEDS TOMORROW